Summer is almost over and it is time for Immanuel to swing back into full gear. We will go back to our three Worship services with Traditional service at 8:00am and Contemporary service at 10:30am on Sunday mornings and WOW on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm.

Our Educational and Youth programs get back into the swing of things starting Sunday, September 10th. Sunday School at 9:15am and High School Hangouts on Sunday evenings. On Wednesday evenings, starting on September 13th, we have EPIC’s at 6:30pm and Confirmation, Jr. Lutherans and 76ers at 7:00pm.

It’s time for all of us to re-engage. “Why” you ask. I’ll tell you why.

1. To find the MEANING FOR YOUR LIFE. Jeremiah 29: 11
2. A time to WORSHIP AND THANK GOD. Exodus 20: 8
3. Learn GOD’S WORD. Proverbs 9: 9
4. Participate in MISSIONS. Matthew 28: 19–20
5. Part of something GREATER THAN YOURSELF. 1 Corinthians12: 27
6. A place to use YOUR GIFTS. Ephesians 4: 11-12
7. Support from a CARING COMMUNITY. Galatians 3: 28
8. To have a FUTURE. Romans 6: 4
9. To know for sure that GOD HAS FORGVEN YOU. Jeremiah 31: 34

You can lose yourself in your work; in your leisure time activities; in your school activities; in your children’s school and athletic activities; in your travels; in living the good life. But when they take you out to the cemetery, none of that will mean a thing. None of it will give comfort, peace and hope to your loved ones left behind. All it will do is leave a hole in your loved one’s lives.

You need church and what it has to offer: forgiveness, salvation and eternal life!

Don’t put it off because no one knows how many tomorrows they have left.

Veritas - Curt