Ministries at Immanuel Lutheran Church

Immanuel has many ministries that are offered to our members.  To learn more about these ministries, click the images below.

There are many educational opportunities for members at Immanuel Lutheran Church.  Programs are offered for ages 3 through adult.  
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate. 

A variety of youth programs are offered for children from age 3 through high school.  During these events, students will come together for a time of fellowship while participating in activities.

Immanuel offers musical ministry options for members of all ages. Find a group that fits your needs as we share our talents through this ministry.

If you are need of prayer, consider submitting a prayer request.  Our committed prayer chain volunteers are here to pray for you.

A prayer shawl is a powerful, comforting reminder that the recipient is being “wrapped” in God’s love and care through prayer.  It may be presented for comfort during a time of grief or while dealing with an illness. 

Enjoy a morning of fellowship with other men at Immanuel's Men's Breakfast.

Gather with others who enjoy reading to discuss a book each month.

Join other ladies as we dive deeper into our faith and explore the Bible.
