October is important because of Reformation Sunday, but we have also added another special Sunday on October 15th. That is NO EXCUSE SUNDAY! We have spared no expense in making the following possible:

- Cots will be provided for those who say, “Sunday is my only day to sleep in.”
- Washers and dryers are available for those who can only wash their clothes on Sunday.
- Blankets will be available for those who think the church is too cold.
- Fans will be available for those who think the church is too warm.
- A variety of athletic equipment will be available for those who have games or practice on Sunday.
- We will have hearing aids for those who say they can’t hear the worship services.
- Ear plugs for those who say worship services are too loud.
- One hundred TV dinners for those who say they have to cook Sunday meals.
- Tap and ballet shoes for those who have dance lessons on Sunday.
- A putting green left of the altar for those who say they worship God while playing golf.
- A flower garden to the right of the altar for those who say they worship God in nature.
- An aquarium for those who say they worship God while fishing.
- Offering plates will not be passed for those who say, “All the church wants is my money.”
- Construction helmets for those who say, “The roof will cave in if I go to church.”
- Easter lilies and Christmas poinsettias will be provided for those who have never seen the inside of the church without them.

As Ben Franklin once said, “People who are good at making up excuses are seldom good for anything else.”

For those who say they are “believers” but don’t go to church there are a couple of passages of Scripture you need to look over. In 1 Corinthians 11: 1 Paul said, “We must be imitators of Christ.” In Luke 4: 16 we read, “And Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; and he went to worship, as was his custom…” Christ made no excuses about not attending worship and neither should you.

Veritas - Curt