On the television show “Last Man Standing”, one of the episodes was centered around Thanksgiving and their family traditions. Each year family members would create their gratitude list and then share what they were thankful for. That made me take a look at myself. I am very good at asking God for things, but when it comes to thanking God for all that he has done, it is easy for me to fall short. Many times I am like King Lear’s kids, a thankless child. I thought maybe this would be a good time to write that list and say “Thank you to God” for all my blessings.

Blessed are you, O Lord, King of the Universe. I want to thank you for: 

1. Your son, Jesus Christ, who paid the debt for my sin and has given me eternal life.

2. All the times you have taken care of me and I have failed to thank you. 

3. Lisa, Tanya, Leah, Mike, Brian, and all 13 grandchildren. 

4. My family’s good health. 

5. The honor to serve as pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church. 

6. All the people of Immanuel who are my friends and extended family. 

7. All the men and women since 1776, who have and still put on the uniforms of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. 

8. All the men and women who wear the blue, who put out fires, and who render emergency medical aid. 

9. The food on my table, the clothes on my back, and the roof over my head. 

10. Sunny warm days, cool nights, and the beauty of creation. 

11. The laughter of little children. 

12. Good jokes that make me laugh when I am down. 

13. My dog, Sage, who loves me unconditionally, and listens to me when I need to pour out my heart. 

14. A good night’s sleep when I really need it. 

15. My mind that still works, 98% of the time. 

16. John Wayne movies, the Chicago Cubs and Bears, and Notre Dame. 

17. Hymns like “Amazing Grace”, “Holy, Holy, Holy”, and “Joyful, Joyful”. 

18. Billy Graham and a bus driver. 

19. Starry nights and lunar eclipses. 

20. ‘60’s music, especially CCR. 

21. The change of the seasons. 

22. That morning cup of coffee and a good cigar. 

23. For everything else I have forgotten. Thank you, O Lord! 

Veritas - Curt